Sunday, September 21, 2008

Grandpa, Joey, and Mike had a great day last Monday. After everyone went to school, they loaded up the boats and went to Horsethief. All had a great time. Joey informed me when they returned home that he was the official net boy. I guess when he caught his first fish everyone around the lake could hear him giggle and shout with excitement. Boy did he think he was big stuff. Everyday comes and ask Grandpa if they can go fishing again. The fish in the middle is the big German Brown grandpa caught. Joey wants to go caught one of those big ones.

I took this picture of Matt and his team at the very end of his game. They played Bishop Kelly, they are supposed to be the team in the district. They lost but only 2 to 0. Matt got to play in the second half. He did a really good job, his foot work is really improving and he is getting more aggressive. Porter and Peyton can you see Uncle Matt, he is number 14. The coach told him he was really pleased with the way he was playing, and to keep up the good work.

Yesterday it rained like crazy, we received over an inch of rain in less than 24 hours. That is a lot for Poor Idaho. Wanda Fluckiger past away and I spent the day helping out at the funeral. We started at 9:00 am and stayed till after 6.

1 comment:

Lynn Gurney said...

Great fish! I wish I could have gone.
Matt looks pretty cool in his uniform with his name on his jersey. Looking at that picture made me remember when I used to play sports. I wish I could be there to watch. It would be so much fun. Keep up the good work.