Thursday, September 4, 2008

Matt's 16th birthday

Yesterday was Matt's sixteen birthday. Wow can you believe it. Mom got up and made him his favorite breakfast of hash browns and bacon. Mom then surprised him by going and buying him a pepperoni pizza and setting on the front set of the pick up so he would find it when he went to eat his lunch. But then the day turned into a bummer when he went to soccer practice and the goal got suspended from the team. He was quite bummed about that. Then everyone one to the stake hamburger fry. We teased him saying he should stand and thank everyone for coming to his birthday party. When we returned home we had cake and ice cream. Everyone gave him money. No one could afford anything he wanted, so we decided we give him the cash. He could then add it up and decide what he wanted to get.

1 comment:

Lynn Gurney said...

Happy birthday Matt. Wish we could have been there. Good luck with soccer.